Product Description
The disposable Bowie & Dick test pack EC.STEAM 98 S is composed as follows:
• External packaging: carton box with process indicator for STEAM cycle.
• The inside part is made by two filtering layers of pure pulp paper with a carton with the color indicator for the Bowie & Dick test in the middle.
• The indicator does not release ink since covered by a plastic film.
The packaging of EC.STEAM 98 S grants a constant compactness to the entire inside of the pack, allowing the correct permeation of steam through the paper’s pores and not through the possible holes that would be created between the single papers that compose it.
All the material is suitable for medical use.
The test pack has an external process indicator that will turn to grey/black after being processed, in order to identify the already processed packaging from the unprocessed ones.
Bowie Dick test pack EC.STEAM 98 S is suitable for steam sterilizers – big and small sterilizers.
The test is designed to check indirectly the ability of the device to put in contact the material to be sterilized with the sterilizing agent (steam). EC.STEAM 98 S, designed for the control of the Bowie & Dick cycle, is suitable for steam sterilization cycles at a temperature of 134° C for 3.5 minutes.
Test Procedure
• Get sure that the autoclave has performed the warming cycle.
• Place the test into the autoclave with the indicator placed upwards in the centre of the bottom shelf.
• Perform a complete sterilization cycle at 134° C for a sterilization time of 3,5 min.
• At the end of the cycle handle with care: the test pack will be hot, it is recommended to wear protective
. gloves.
• Remove the pack from the packaging and remove the paper indicator placed at the centre of the pack.
Result’s Record
• After the use, the sheet indicator is recorded according to sterilization internal protocols.
• The tests’ results shall be recorded and available for any control
• Practical test thanks to its dimensions and sizes.
• Process indicator and data record sheet on the same sheet for an easy reading of results and data
• Necessary for:
. Failure of air removal, Any possible air infiltration, Steam overheating
• At the end of the cycle handle with care: The test pack will be hot, it is recommended to wear protective
. gloves.
• Remove the pack from the packaging and remove the paper indicator placed at the centre of the pack.
Primary packaging: boxes containing 20 pieces.
Secondary packaging: carton containing 8 boxes of 20 pieces/each
Each test pack indicates the name of the product, manufacturer’s name, lot number, deadline,
reference cycle, designed operation temperature, indicator class (class 2) and reference standards.